Showing posts with label Backpacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backpacking. Show all posts

Lightweight Travel Tips

written by Adam Trahan

It has been some years now since I’ve learned about tenkara, an efficient form of mountain stream fishing. Through my experiences using this simple, old style of fishing, I have found that I can apply principles of minimalism to nearly everything I do. I’ve learned about efficiency and different ways of looking at everyday challenges. In applying these concepts, I have come up with a formula that works for me. It can be summed up with the following quote from Yvon Chouinard.

The more you know, the less you need.

I promote an efficient travel kit from this concept.

I have realized that nothing is better than experience to realize just what you need. Packing for a trip shouldn’t be difficult. There is some homework involved if you are new to traveling light but as you reduce the contents of your pack, you will realize that each component of your travel kit becomes more important on its own and as an integrated system.

Key to the concept is to check the weather where you are going and make a pack list for up to a week. If you can get through a week with your packing list, you can easily live for two weeks or a month or longer. Packing for one week, I have a comfortable pack size and I am able to be prepared for just about any activity. Hiking, fishing, going out to dinner, hot springs or lounging with friends or distant family. At the end of the week, I’m going to do some laundry whether it be washing my clothes in washer or in the shower, bucket or near a stream and hanging them to dry but I’m ready for another week.

In 2013 I packed for a two week fishing and sightseeing trip to Japan. I took two backpacks, a 46 liter travel pack and a daypack to carry all of my gear. I carried my clothes, shoes, fishing boots and gear, computer, cords and toiletries. My packs were loaded tight and looking back on that trip, I was grossly over packed. I brought a lot of stuff I didn’t use.

Traveling light is a work in progress.

I took notes while I was on my trip. What I used over and over, what I didn’t use and more importantly, what I wanted to have along the next time.

In 2016 I packed for another two week trip to Japan, an adventure that included my multi-use backpack for a hiking and camping trip far up a river valley. I packed much more efficiently this time but again, it took two backpacks, the same 46 liter travel pack that doubled as a camping backpack and another duffle bag/backpack. Looking back on that trip, I carried just a little more than I needed but for what I did, carrying a sleeping bag and a camping list, rain jacket and specialized boots and clothes, I did pack well.

Often I travel for a week out of one small pack. I carry fishing gear and all that I need for travel. I move about comfortably and at no time do I feel that I am running out of clothes or in need of something. At the end of a seven night stay, I look back at what I use and what I didn’t. I note I was uncomfortable in a cotton shirt. I realized that I would have been more comfortable in shirts made of different materials, the cotton shirts that I took did not wear well in the slight humidity and I felt that I could not wear them more than one day.

Taking note of what works and what doesn't helps me to build my travel kit.

I often travel to the Hawaiian Islands and to the eastern portion of the USA. I have amassed a lot of good experiences while moving through airports, staying at hotels, hiking and camping. I used the gear that I took with me and I’m learning to leave things home that I don’t use. Through my experiences, I will detail the process that I use to create a pack list for travel where you are staying in a home, hotel or inn with daily outdoor activities.

Check the temperature, layering is key.

I've learned about performance layering from the Yvon Chouinard and his different business in creating clothing for mountaineering. Chouinard's company, Patagonia has introduced many new types of cloths, innovative crafting of clothing and base layers that are cool when it's hot and warm when its cold. Patagonia clothing is recognized around the world by mountaineers and has revolutionized the outdoor clothing industry. Patagonia catalogs contain great information on how to efficiently layer for a wide range of temperatures and weather. Much of my knowledge was sparked by content in these catalogs and quite a bit of my kit contains clothing by Patagonia. If you are new to lightweight travel, I suggest a look into a Patagonia catalog or their web site.

The layer next to your skin is important to consider. I’ve learned over the years that wicking fabrics or, a fabric that will pick up perspiration and vapor from your skin and “move” it outward towards the outer layer of the fabric is best. I’ve been using base layers by Patagonia for 20 years. It’s a fabric that is cool when it’s warm, warm when its cool and comfortable for exertion. Polyester type fabrics are extremely versatile and adaptable to many different environments and exertion levels, perfect for variable temperatures and minimal pack lists.

As it gets colder, a mid-layer or outer shell can be added. Thicker versions of the same fabric can be utilized for layering or as a warmer base layer in combination with a thin outer shell. The thicker base layer is typically for cooler temperatures but still can be worn as outerwear. The wide temperature range of each layer can be combined for cooler expected temperatures.

For outerwear, I use a light windbreaker that can be stuffed very small. This simple yet lightweight jacket can extend the temperature range of a thin base layer or serve as a light rain jacket. These jackets are so lightweight, they can be compacted into a small pocket of a daypack or in purse or clipped to a belt loop they are so small.

The lightweight insulated “puffy” jackets can be brought along for temperatures cooler temperatures down to below freezing. Utilizing the layering system, base, mid, puffy jacket and thin outer shell, you can regulate the comfort you want moving the sweat and moisture outward to evaporate for all temperatures found from the desert to the high mountain cold environments.

The pants that I choose are super important. Again, I use a couple of different thickness and both are made of basically the same type of polyester material that insulates yet breathes to move sweat away from my body. Again, this type of clothing is easy to compress, wears well and is easily adaptable to a wide range of temperatures. I can wet wade in the morning and by lunch time, I am completely dry and by dinner, I still look (and smell) presentable.

A favorite hat and gloves of performance fabrics is invaluable in colder climates. Worthy of the space in your pack, these items are typically very personal and taking them on the road from wearing them at home is comforting during travel.

Utilizing a layering system that is configurable for a wide range of climates is how I choose my packing list. Packing just one thin and thick base layer as well as a compactable puffy jacket and a thin windbreaker style jacket can give you a range of temperatures all the way down to freezing temps and all the way up to triple digit temperatures. Using the thin base layer can serve as sun protection and is comfortable even in the hot temperatures of the desert. This layering technique combined with the type of fabric chosen, all packs small yet provides a wide range of comfort.

Accessories for travel

There are a few accessories I carry that have really found their way into my pack list for being so valuable to my experience. Because these accessories have evolved to be made of compact and compressible materials, even if they are not utilized, it is a non-event to not use them but if they are utilized, their worth becomes evident.

Inside my travel pack, I carry a compact day pack. I use this for travel from my hotel, tent or couch wherever I am staying. I do not want to carry my 25lb carry on with all my stuff as it is full but I do want to carry the few things I will need for day trips. This small sailcloth daypack is comfortable using every single day of my travel. Able to carry a layer of clothes, a water bottle, jacket, lunch, fishing gear or anything else that I want to carry with me.

I choose a compact umbrella. My umbrella packs down to about the size of a large candy bar and is swallowed by the long pocket in my carry on pack. When I get to my destination, depending on my travel, I may transfer it to a compact daypack or just keep it out in my car or within reach during my excursions. An umbrella is worthy of travel even if it is sunny as I have often opened mine when waiting on transportation and or walking from one area to another to shield myself from the sun or rain.

I have found that a travel pillow is worth its weight and size. Mine is an inflatable that compacts down to a size of cards. Multiple hours of travel on a plane or in a car, I always take a nap. The travel pillow makes this needed rest possible and comfortable. With the travel pillow I carry a sleep mask too. It is so small and lightweight, it disappears in my bag. If I am on a long flight, I like to wear the mask when I sleep, it really helps to relax during the downtime of travel.

I also carry an inflatable sit pad. This item has literally saved my butt from long trips on a train and on a day hike. I put it in my daypack to pad the contents of my pack against the thin layer of cloth next to my back.

A light compact spread is something I have found that works in many situations. The one I use is aluminized on one side for heat retention or reflection. It’s soft and comfortable to use as a spread on grass, sand or snow or in the cabin of a plane or train. I have also used mine to keep warm on a long plane trip and in the car. It fits in a small stuff sack and disappears in my day pack or travel bag until I need it.

I often swim or take in a hot spring so I carry a small micro-fiber towel. This is a multi-use item that can make cleaning and drying yourself comfortable. If you are at an inn and the towels or laundry is questionable, you have your own. You can use it to sit on or dry yourself off. In a pinch, it can be used to clean up a spill.

For day to day cleaning, I use a small zippered case for my toothbrush, medicines and a minor first aid kit.

Invaluable when washing your clothes, I have a small dedicated clothes line. It was designed for this purpose and does not need clothes pins to fix drying clothes on it. You can clean your clothes in the shower or from the stream and hang them to dry.

Worthy of it’s weight and size is a tiny 500 lumen flashlight. Travelling to areas that are new to me, I often find myself in dark places devoid of any light. There are many small but powerful flashlights that will light up a very large area, you will be able to see very quickly, dark places become friendly with knowing what you are getting yourself into. These flashlights also power down to last a long time on one battery.

Smartphone as a multi use device.

The more I travel, the less I am carrying my laptop. My smart phone has a “talk to text” function that works very well for taking notes and writing. My phone also contains a great camera so a dedicated camera is not needed. I load movies and media on my phone so it’s important to remember headphones, a long charge cord and plug in adapter. For convenience, I carry a 6’ extension cord. I have also learned that I need a backup battery to charge my phone when power is not available. For international travel, I use a “wi-fi device” that takes the place of having a phone plan. All the communication functions that I need are Internet based and a phone plan just isn’t needed. I use Google maps and select the mode of transportation tab and it will bring up the data I need that is near by. 

For navigating, I use a GPS application that I can research and plan on my laptop at home and transfer the research notes, maps and routes to my phone. I've used this GPS application many times in the jungle, in the forest and it really helps me to keep my kit to a minimum.

Tenkara fishing equipment

My tenkara method is quite simple. I depend on what I know more than carrying variety of equipment. I have trimmed my kit quite small. I’ve made some changes to what I carry over the years but my kit can still be described as, “rod, line and fly.” If I’m on a trip to Japan, I carry dedicated wading gear. Specialized boots, wading spats, a net and my fishing bag as well as a couple of travel rods inside of my bag. I’m still looking for shoes that can double for wading and street wear. So I still carry my boots with me and at the end of the trip, when I’m ready to fly home, I will wrap them in plastic and stuff them in my bag. Typically, if I am carrying wading gear, I bring two bags, one a personal bag and one carry on, both fit easily into the overhead bin.

Bullet points for lightweight travel
  1. Research the climate where you are going.
  2. Pack for a week
  3. Take notes for your next trip
My packing list

Hat, Buff and sun gloves
Polarized Sunglasses
Lightweight long sleeve top (base layer)
Mid weight long sleeve top (mid layer)
Long sleeve button up shirt x 2
Boxers x 4
Performance fabric T-shirt
Performance lightweight stuffable wind jacket
OPTIONAL – Packable puffy vest or jacket
OPTIONAL – Rain shell
Performance fabric convertible pants
Track pants
Lightweight amphibious shorts
Performance Socks x 3
Cheap Flip Flops

Accessories for travel
Sleeping mask and foam ear plugs
Inflatable travel pillow
Lightweight travel sheet
Compact umbrella
Lightweight stuffable day pack
Inflatable sit pad
Micro fiber towel
Travel clothes line
Small lightweight zippered toiletry case
Small travel size baby wipes

Smart phone
Cigarette USB charger
Plug in charger
Long USB charging cord
6’ extension cord
An extra USB battery back up
A small 500 lumen flashlight

Other miscellaneous tips for travel include using a wi-fi device for travel. Often you need the internet and wi-fi is available but it is not free. Using a wi-fi device and plan for accessing the wi-fi is invaluable. It is much cheaper and more efficient than using a cell phone sim card. I found that using the sim card, I used a lot of data and there were times where cell coverage was not available or dropped and wi-fi was available. I highly suggest a wi-fi device coverage for traveling.

Google Maps is also excellent for travel. Pull up the app and select the tab for the type of travel you are doing. If you are walking, select the pedestrian tab and it will take you by foot, the transit tab will show you where the nearest train station is and when the next train arrives and where it is going. The bus tab does the same. The Google Maps app is the #1 used smartphone application that I use besides using the Airline app that I am traveling on for having your boarding documents inside your phone.

There are a couple of other resources available, one is the internet for help in designing a packing list. I find the one below a great help. I also use books and have used a lot of good information from the following book.

I find the below sites helpful for ideas, information and equipment for ultralight travel.


I hope you find the article useful. It is basically what I use when I travel. How I look at the destination and what I use while I am traveling. Travel is a highly personal adventure that is filled with choices in how comfortable you want to be. What you want to travel with and what you are willing to do without. The equipment here is what I personally choose. There is a world of choices out there for you to decide what works for you. The point of this article is not to sell you anything, it's about my experiences and how they may help you.

Cheers and take care.

* This article was originally written for Tenkara USA on November 17, 2017

Genryu Fishing of Japan #36


Iwaimata-zawa, which is flowing through the Asahi mountains, is a major tributary of the Miomote river. Its middle area is one of the most famous and the hardest genryu in Japan with gorge bands as if it continues indefinitely. This summer, I and my friends went on a genryu trip aiming for the most upper section of the stream, which can also be said to be the heaven of Tenkara fishing, by breaking through the core gorge part of this Iwaimata-zawa.

We were a group of 5 people on this trip. Members were my usual partner Tsurumi-san, Takano-san and Fukuda-san from the well-known genryu fishing club "Tanidoraku", Yagi-san from Shizuoka, and me. As we would challenge a very famous tough genryu Iwaimata-zawa, the members gathered were people with experience and strength.

Destination, Iwaimata-zawa flows through the center of the Asahi Mountains spreading over Niigata Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture. I joined with Tsurumi-san on the way and went to Iwaimata-zawa via Yamagata prefecture. We crossed the pass at the forest road of dart and aimed at the climbing mouth of Asahi Mountains which is car stoppage of this trip. The other three guys joined near Tokyo and came from Niigata prefecture side. This time it was a fishing trip using a three days holidays including national holiday “Marine day”, so we left our homes earlier if there might be other parties at the car parking, but there was no precedent in the parking lot. We had a toast with beer.

The weather forecast for 3 days was cloudy and sometimes rain. It was inevitable because the rainy season had not yet ended. However, in the sky at 1 AM there was a fair number of stars twinkling. After a small hour, three guys from Tokyo arrived safely. Tsurumi-san met with Fukuda-san and Yagi-san for the first time, so I briefly introduced them and drank beer again.

We drunk and talked for about an hour and took a short sleep in the cars. Two cars came over when a day got lighter, but as soon as they saw our cars, they drove away. Perhaps they were 1day fishers. We woke up and checked the packing. After taking quick breakfast we stepped onto the mountain path along the Miomote River. Takano-san had been to Iwaimata-zawa twice. He said it was about 10 years ago and did not remember the route well, but we were encouraged to have him.

In the beautiful beech forest, we walked the mountain path along the Miomote River for about an hour and arrived at the crossing point of Miomote River to Iwaimata-zawa. We had one job there. I decided to stretch 40 meter climbing rope across the river to prepare for water increase of the river due to heavy rain. The width of the river was about 15 m, and if it is not a too big rise of water, we can cross the river with this 40m climbing rope. There was the experience I had been saved by climbing rope to cross the river which had been increased water due to heavy rain. Besides Miomote River is such a big mountain stream. All members agreed with me and brought some 8mm climbing ropes.

After setting up the climbing rope, we crossed Miomote River. That strong flow had the depth of our chest. We climbed the steep slope of the opposite shore about 20 m. The footprints were almost disappeared and we got held the shrubs and managed to climb the steep slope somehow. When we climbed over the slope, a rich beech forest was spreading in a gently sloping terrace. We walked to upstream along the Iwaimata-zawa looking the old "Natame(Cut mark by hatchet)" attached to large beech trees as a route sign.

Natame" is the wisdom of old mountain people. They engraved a mark on a huge beech tree with a hatchet and used it as a signpost for such as zenmai paths in the mountains. They engraved simple marks to show the right route or sometimes person's names, recordss, simple route guides etc. Even in places where the foot path has disappeared, it can be possible to trace the right route somehow by this "natame".

We walk through the terrace for about 30 minutes and descend to Iwaimata-zawa once because there was deep valley of the tributary, but then we did not know where we could go up to the opposite terraces again. There must have been the footprints but it was completely disappeared. We lost 20 minutes to find out the route. Cross the Iwaimata-zawa under F1(Water fall No.1) and climbed very steep slope to the forest of the opposite shore. From there it was almost no foot paths. We searched for slopes that we could somehow walk and progressed looking for occasional "Natame". Originally, we planned to go to the temba(camp site) right under F3(Water fall No.3), but our physical strength have been exhausted rapidly and time has passed. After all, we went down from the forest to the stream under F2 and decided to set up a temba there in a small river beach.

Temba was not a very safe location if water increases with hard rain. The place was about 1.5 meters from the stream, but we had no chance to find out better place. Just in case, we found an escape place on the back slope. Fortunately, the weather became very fine, under the refreshing blue sky of the summer, we cooled down the hot bodies in the pleasant flow of Iwaimata-zawa.

We had lunch on the beach of the stream and set the tarp there and made the temba. I took a nap on the shore under in the shed. Other guys started fishing immediately near the temba. Fishing seemed quite good. Everyone caught good sized iwana right away. Takano-san and Yagi-san kept 3 or 4 iwana for the night. Right upstream of the tembla was the gorges that we can’t go through and the end of the gorge was Iwaimata-zawa's largest 8 m waterfall F 2.

By the evening, everyone gathered firewood and made a bonfire. We had a toast with beer and started cooking with drinking. I cooked grilled meat. Then Yagi-san made a grilled wonton with the Iwana meat. This was really good. The main dish was Tsurumi-san’s udon with pork miso soup. We were totally getting full. We went under the tarp and got into the sleeping bag one after another. I fell in asleep praying for the good weather for the next day.

I slept well and woke up at 6:30 in the next morning. Yagi-san and Tsurumi-san were already awake and making a bonfire. Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy with occasional light rain. The sky looked it would rain soon.

We finished quick breakfast and left the temba before 8 o'clock. We climbed over F2 and got off to the stream immediately. We prepared for fishing and started fishing. I walked a little downstream and fished in a big pool under a low but wide waterfall of about 1m. A good sized over 30cm Iwana bit my kebari at the 3rd cast. I enjoyed nice fight. After that, I fished 25cm iwana a little downstream of the same flow. I truly admired Iwaimata-zawa that I could catch this good sized iwana from the beginning.

After that we fished one by one and waded upstream, but the reaction of the fish gradually worsened for some reason. Both valleys and waters looked wonderful, and also there were no signs of people entered there for a long time, it was really strange feeling. By around 10 o'clock we reached the flat free stone area under F 3. It was one of wonderful sections of Iwaimata-zawa. Everywhere looked best fishing point, but for some reason we can’t catch good iwana at all. Sometimes we could only catch small 24 cm iwana only. At 11 o'clock, it began to rain in earnest. We took shelter from the rain under the trees, and we had lunch and watched the situation, but there was no sign of rain stopping. Weather was getting worse and fishing was not good. We thought that something was very strange on that day because of iwana’s reaction. So, we decided to go back to the temba.

We arrived at the temba before 14:00. Firstly, we arranged the baggage to escape from the temba at any time because we thought the rain was getting harder.

We decided to withdraw temba if the water level of the stream rise to the top of one rock on the opposite riverside, and we were seeing the situation. The water level was calming for a while, but rain repeatedly got stronger and weaker, and there was no sign to stop. In about an hour, I noticed the water became very turbid. "It might be very quick when the water starts increasing." We were talking about such a thing, then, suddenly, water level rose sharply by about 1 m. "We have to withdraw temba now." I said. So that everyone rushed to collect things around us. When we carried our backpacks to the high place of the slope. Then the next wave came. That time it brought water to the temp level. The water level rose by 1.5 m in only 3 minutes.

Takano-san and tsurumi-san climbed on the slope and carried the backpacks and other staff to the higher place. Yagi-san and Fukuda-san were collecting the tarp in the water. 10 minutes later, we were watching the swollen stream from the slope. Water level was then probably more than 2 m higher than usual. We talked it was just like a flash flood. I thought that perhaps the increased water flow was compressed by Gorges under the waterfall and it was spirited out downstream of it.

It was still 3:15pm when I saw the watch. There was no reason for being on the uncomfortable slope. We turned back the way to make a temba in a safe and flat place in the forest. At 5 o'clock we found a place where five people could lie down. We set a tarp and made a temba right away. It was never a comfortable place, but we had foods, water, mosquito-coiles and beer. Above all, the place was 20 meters higher than the stream a safe place. When the forest darkened, we began preparing dinner. Although it is a narrow tempba, food was abundant and we had beer to celebrate everyone's safety. We talked about today's happenings eating the dinner.

We talked about many things. If we carried on fishing more, or if we did not mind the rain, we were supposed to have been in real danger. Or we should have withdrawn the temba as soon as we got there. However, more than anything, we talked that Iwana’s reaction of the day was real abnormal situation. Perhaps Iwana were supposed to have evacuated in the safe deep places or under the big rocks, as they predicted that great rise of water of the stream. That made us gave up fishing and went back to the temba, and we could escape from the danger. We might have been saved by Iwana. Really nature can’t be revealed, but I thought if we have the antenna of our sense against the nature carefully, we can be able to sense the sign of nature.

Contrary to our wishes, the rain did not stop even at night. If water increase continues, we can’t go home tomorrow because we can’t cross the stream. I prayed for the rain to stop by mid night and fell into a shallow sleep. The next morning, I woke up at daybreak. When Yagi-san went to see the stream, and he said that the water was considerably decreased. Rain had almost stopped, and the clouds were getting thinner. We cooked breakfast with steamed rice which we made last night. We also made side dishes and ate firmly. We left the temba at 7:30. By then we could see the bottom stones in the shallow of the stream. "I think we can go home today" I said to encourage everyone. Actually, if we can cross Iwaimata-zawa under F1, I thought we can go home. As long as the remaining climbing rope across the Miomote River is alive, we can cross Miomote River. I thought the rope was probably okay now, but it might be raining hard again. We hurried ahead.

As we returned the route a lot yesterday, we could arrive at the crossing point of Iwaimata-zawa under F1 in about an hour. The shallow part of the stream was about our chest to the waist. Moreover, it was not such a strong flow. "I can go." so I held the climbing rope to secure me and went to the other side of the stream safely. And everybody crossed the stream one by one safely. After that, we walked in the calm forest for about an hour and finally arrived at the crossing point of the mainstream Miomote River. "Wow, there are lots of water. I can’t cross." Someone said. The other two guys had uneasy faces, but when I saw the river, it was much deeper than 2 days ago but it was not such a torrent. Moreover, the landing point of the opposite side of the river was the depth of the upper knee. The remaining climbing rope set on the river was firmly alive. "Okay, this is not problem at all. We can make it." I said so, and I lectured how to cross the river with “Furiko Watashi method”.

"Furiko Watashi method” is to jump into the river grabbing a rope with the fulcrum of the opposite shore as its peak, you are flowed as it is and arrives at the downstream of the fulcrum of the opposite riverside. 40m rope is long enough if you keep the end part of the rope, you can pull over the rope stretch it again and cross the river one by one in the same way. "Just look at what I do" I said and then jumped into the river for the first time. It was nice feeling to be flown by the river and I was shouting "Yahoo". Five seconds later I safely landed on the riverside of the opposite side. It seemed that everyone was relieved looking at that. Fukuda-san, Yagi-san, Takano-san and Tsurumi-san all crossed the three main-stream without any problem. In the end, we all did high touch with full of smiles.

Well really, it was quite a difficult two days, but on the other hand it was the best fishing trip with great colleagues. None of the members made any complaints or negative remarks to the anxiety that we might not be able to return on the scheduled day, evacuation from the flash flood or even to the emergency camping in the forest. Everyone was coping with any difficult situation with a smile and humor. Although I could not go to the core part of Iwaimata-zawa, I would like to try next year again. By the time we went down the climbing path along the Miomote River, mid-summer sunlight began to fall on the valley of Miomote river.

Ultralight Backpacking and Tenkara

S.Brooks and Adam Trahan on a whirlwind tenkara and backpacking adventure

by Various Authors

What is your backpacking philosophy? SUL, UL, comfort, what is your chosen style of gear that you bring?

Chance Sheridan: I consider myself an ultralight backpacker. I would like to think I apply the same insight to hiking as Tenkara does to fishing. If I don't need it, it's not going in my bag. My gear depends on a few factors: season, number of days, and number of people. I prefer going out solo or in a small group, 3 people max, to help reduce our impact. If I'm going solo for a weekend I would start by pulling out my Osprey Exos 34L bag. The bag itself is 2 pounds, 2,075 cubic inches, with an internal frame. The majority of my backcountry adventures are in Wilderness areas. As much as I would love to cook and boil water over a warm fire, I can't. Fires are not allowed above 9,200 feet, or at all if it's a dry year. In these cases I depend on the MSR Pocket Rocket. Packs small (4x2x2), and weighs a mere 3 ounces. Although small, this stove can have half a liter of water boiling in less than 4 minutes. Pair this with MSR's Blacklite 1.5 quart, non-stick aluminum pot and you're set for cooking food, or boiling water for coffee or clean up. I also pack a MSR Titan cup, no I am not an MSR spokesperson. This is an awesome .4 liter titanium cup that weighs 1.9 ounces. Good for cold or hot beverages, can be used to boil a cup on the stove or, if you can have fires, placed in the coals for a warm up.

FJ Guy: My current philosophy would fall in the lightweight category. In between ultralight and comfort I would suppose. I still prefer a pack to have a frame (metal) vs. the ultralight packs which the majority use a foam panel, sleeping pad or plastic frame sheet for load distribution. I have adopted ultralight principles to lower my pack’s weight as opposed to the more common “REI” approach to backpacking which recommends you have all the latest equipment for any condition you may encounter even if those conditions don’t currently exist or are not forecasted.

Graham Moran: My backpacking philosophy is keeping it light but comfortable. Weight can make or break a trip but I find I like having those extras like a chair.

Jay Johnson: My backpacking philosophy is UL with comfort. With modern materials and a multitude of gear options out there, I think one can hit a base weight of less than 10 pounds but still leave plenty of room for comfort if they choose their gear wisely. Unless you are pushing 40-50 mile days on a thru-hike, I really don’t think there is that much of a difference between a 5lb or 8lb base weight. At some point, there are diminishing returns on weight lost vs comfort lost. 3 extra pounds can afford you a lot of comfort in the form of a better sleeping pad, bigger shelter and a creature comfort or two.

A big part of my backpacking philosophy when it comes to solo hiking or fishing is that I plan on spending a minimal amount of time at camp. My main focus will be on the trail or stream, so when it comes to camp items, I tend to only bring what I need in order to rest and recharge for the next day. A roaring camp fire and cushy chair would be nice after a long day, but I don’t want to carry it for 12+ hours beforehand. If I’m not going solo, I do bring extra stuff as camp time starts to be less of a necessity of rest and more of a social event. That’s when beers are carried and possibly a saw and/or hatchet to really get that fire going.

Finally, I try not to pack my fears. It’s easy to let our imaginations run wild and find ourselves planning and packing for DEFCON 1. Yes, I’ve watched the movie “127 Hours” but that doesn’t mean I need to bring a machete on the off chance I need to cut my hand off in order to self-rescue. Pre-trip planning, combined with knowledge, skills and the ability to mitigate trouble are much lighter than carrying enough gear to ride out the apocalypse. Don’t go stupid light, but don’t pack weigh yourself down with what-ifs.

JJ Hiker: Ultra-light (sub 10lbs)

Adam Trahan: My philosophy for backpacking and hiking is not to suffer. So somewhere in my choices is an understanding that in order for me to have a great time, I will have to compromise. Unless I make my own equipment, I'm going to have to choose something that another person has made and or developed.

I learned to backpack and live in the outdoors when I was in my twenties while in the Army as an infantry medic. I learned so much about living outdoors out of your rucksack. What you needed, what you didn't and what worked.

When I got home, I didn't have to use "their" packing list so I went through a period of rebellion in choosing outrageous comfort items like chairs and little tables, big blow up mattresses, extravagant tents, I had a big backpack for just for an overnighter.

This was before I was introduced to tenkara.

Now I focus on "just what I need" with a lean on comfort. My pack is light and allows me to move freely, I have minimal equipment so I'm not lost in choices. My tent takes a minute to set up so I am not obsessing on it, the energy went into the knowledge "where" to set it up.

I think my backpacking is best described as lightweight and comfortable.

John Yokley: Historically, I’ve been primarily a “comfort” backpacker. The irony, however, is that the “comfort” was only in camp and certainly not on the trail. What my experience has taught me over the years is there is an inverse correlation on weight vs. enjoyment when backpacking – the more weight, the less I enjoy the trip. In the past, I’d always “pooh-pooed” ultralight gear wen backpacking (or mountain-biking) considering I was overweight myself – why pay more for gear that shaves a few ounces when I’m carrying 20 extra pounds around the midsection. But now, at 45yo, I have both the disposable income and the physical need to go as light as possible to continue my outdoor pursuits.

Laura Sherman: Let’s call it ultra-light-safe. Alaska’s features and big game prevalence are something I take very seriously. My version of ultra-light is contingent on my tasks (usually fish, hunt and distance), tailored to my 5’2”/105 lb size, and here, there are months where I am not bogged down by a lot of lights and batteries or solar booster, which affords me ounces. But those saved ounces are spent on a heavy emergency call or beacon device, bear protection, bear safe food storage options and equipment for extreme ice and cold weather. I thru hike, I don’t mountaineer, but I climb small mountains (no more than 5,000 ft), I usually hike alone, (with a lot of organization and safety plans), and I pack everything out that I’ve packed in (+ game).

Please detail your equipment choices for the 3 major components (backpack, shelter, sleeping system)

Chance Sheridan: I did a lot of research for hiking gear before I started making high dollar purchases, wanting to make sure I got a good product and not just a brand. To treat water at camp I carry the Katadyn 6 liter Base Camp. After a long day hiking/fishing, the last thing I want to do is pump drinking water. With the gravity feed base camp you fill the dry bag, hang it and wait. Filters 2 liters of water a minute, removing silt, cysts, protozoa and bacteria up to .2 microns, and weighs 12.4 ounces. It's almost like having your own mountain tap.

Sleeping is one of the most important aspects in backpacking for me. If you spend multiple nights in the backcountry and cant sleep because you're cold or uncomfortable, it makes for a long trip. I've tried a number of bags, from synthetic fill to goose down, and think I have finally found the last bag I will ever need. The Nemo Sonic 15 is only 2 pounds 9 ounces, 850 fill, and is about 7.5 liters packed. One of the cool features of this bag is the vertical "gills" on the chest which allows you to regulate temperature inside your bag up to 20 degrees. If you're going to have a cozy bag you might as well put it on a cozy pad. Thermarest Xlite has been a great sleeping pad, providing an extra 3.2 R value, weighing 1 pound, and is roughly 11 inches x 4.5 inches packed. As far as shelter is concerned it all depends. I have made trips with no shelter and found a "natural shelter" out of the elements to call home for the weekend, but wouldn't recommend that to most people. At the most I would bring an 8x10 poly tarp. Not big on tents, and the configurations of a tarp seem endless. All rolled up the tarp can also carry tent stakes and 50 foot of parachord. I have looked into Ripstop silicone impregnated nylon, but it is not cheap.

Chance Sheridan

FJ Guy: I am currently using a 2017 Gregory Paragon 58. The pack weighs 3.9 lbs but I can strip some of its features to bring the weight close to 3 lbs. The torso length is adjustable up to 4” and the hip pads on the belt are adjustable to customize the fit to the hiker. It has a couple of innovative features such as a hydration sleeve that pulls double duty as a day pack. I’m not a fan of a hydration sleeve as I don’t carry extra water unless I need to. So if I’m not using it as a hydration sleeve but I still want the pack along for day hikes, I can stuff my quilt in it and shove it in the bottom of the pack. Also, the Paragon’s top lid is removable. The sleeping bag compartment separator can be removed and used in place of the lid. There is an integrated raincover included with the pack and if rain isn’t in the forecast, I can leave that behind as well. I also have cuben fiber stuff sacks that will keep things dry if it does rain. While the Paragon is not ultralight, it’s still two pounds lighter than my 5.8 lb traditional internal frame Gregory pack. The Paragon is rated to carry up to 50 lbs unlike the ultralight packs which are normally rated to carry 25 to 35 lbs.

My current shelter is a Sierra Designs Flashlight 1 FL which is a hybrid single wall design weighing 2 lb 9 oz. If I use my trekking poles instead of the supplied vertical poles, I can get the weight down to 2 lb 3 oz. It’s roomy enough for my needs and it’s easy to set up. I researched several cottage companies and their tarp tent designs but I felt those were a little to specialized for what I needed my tent for.

My sleep system consists of a Jacks R Better Sierra Sniveller quilt, an Exped UL pillow and a Thermarest Z Sol pad. The quilt is lightweight and packs up small. It’s in the neighborhood of 1 lb 13 oz. The quilt is rated to 30F but with baselayers it can go lower. I can always put my puffy jacket on and go even lower. I recently had the quilt stuffed with 2 oz more of 850 down so the original rating of 30F is more like 25F. If I’m expecting steady temps at night in the teens or twenties, I’ll use my down bag which is rated to 20F but that’s a rarity for me to be camping at those temps. The Z Sol pad has an R rating of 2.6 and weighs 14 oz. I have inflatable sleeping pads but the one thing about the Z Sol is it’s closed cell foam so I don’t have to baby it. It’s reasonably comfortable and I can sleep on my side also.

Graham Moran's tent interior

Graham Moran: My backpack of choice is the Osprey Atmos 65 AG, my current tent of choice is the Marmot Tungsten 2, and my sleeping system is the Big Agnes Mirror Lake sleeping bag and the Big Agnes Double Z sleeping pad.

Jay Johnson: I’ve recently upgraded a few gear items, dropping not just weight but also a lot of volume. To better match my smaller volume of gear, I just received a new MLD Burn 38L pack. It weighs 14oz and is pretty awesome. If I need to haul larger loads/weight I still have my Osprey Exos 58L (older model).

For my shelter, I am currently using a Zpacks Duplex tent. Its price tag would probably make some people vomit, but I am really glad I have it. For the most part, I don’t think ultralight gear is any more expensive than heavier, traditional big store brands but when it comes to a shelter, spending some extra coin on smaller cottage gear companies can really save weight. I’ve used 4lb 2 person tents that are super cramped and I much prefer my current 1.25lb 2 person tent that comfortably fits 2 people and a dog.

For my 3 season sleep system I use an Enlightened Equipment 50 degree quilt and Sea to Summit Ultralight Sleeping pad. I used to carry a 20 degree quilt and insulated pad, but I am notorious for waking up covered in sweat even on 35 degree nights. My new strategy is to push the temperature rating of my sleep system on the colder side, rather than overheating. For my pillow, I use a Zpacks dry bag w/fleece liner with a Therm-a-Rest Lite Seat inside. It’s quite comfortable and multi-functional. The dry bag holds sleeping clothes and electronics (portable charger on longer trips) and the Lite Seat is used as a camp seat and back padding for my backpack. 

JJ Hiker: Pack- ULA Conduit, Shelter- Cuben Fiber Tarp, Sleep System Thermarest NeoAir Xlite Pad, Western Mountaineering Versalight 10° Down bag for cold weather, Mountain Laurel Designs Spirit 38 Quit for warm weather

John Yokley: Granite Gear Leopard VC – 3.96 lbs, Enlightened Equipment Revelation Quilt – 19.4oz, Tarptent Rainbow – 35oz

Adam Trahan: Mountain Laurel Designs Prophet backpack and Duomid (nylon) and solo inner net with an Enlightened Equipment Revelation twenty degree down quilt and an REI inflatable rectangle mattress and oh, a Sea to Summit blow up pillow. I love my pillow.

Laura Sherman: My backpack is an old external frame Kelty that they don’t make anymore. It fits, it’s ugly and it’s a superstition at this point. It is 4.9 lbs with all of it’s attachments, which I modify down to 4.2, depending on what I do. It’s my “something old”
My sleep system is my “something new”. It is a 0’ F Enlightened Equipment Revelation quilt, barely 21 oz, and my pad is the R—value 3.4 Therma-rest ProLite in size “S”. In the company specs it says it weighs 14 oz, but I’ve weighed it twice and I get 13. I’m happy either way.
My shelter is a 1 person Marmot Nitro. It is not “blue”, but that would have fit my theme better. I bought it at 1.11 lbs, but I’ve modified a few things and I’m down to 1.8. I love it. My shooting stick/wading staff/trekking/tent pole is a modified older model Leki Wanderfreund – cork handle / cane style. At the time I bought it, it marketed at 9.4 oz, but it also extended much taller than I’d ever use it. I have sawed it off and added a modification to the top that allows me to attach a camera or a more traditional shooting rest if I want.

What style food prep? Alcohol or canister stove? Dehydrated food, forage, what is your kitchen?

Chance Sheridan: I have come to the realization that eating crappy food is no longer for me. The majority of my packs weight can be attributed to my food. The night of hiking in I might pack a steak or some sausages that I can cook up before it goes bad. Breakfasts consist of oatmeal, energy bars, dehydrated fruits and a spoonful or two of peanut butter. I'm usually busy come lunchtime, either hiking or releasing trout. As soon as I'm back at camp I might make some shells and cheese, or mashed potatoes and a Bear Creek stew. Tortillas and peanut butter, jerky, mixed nuts, olive oil, high protein items are a must!

FJ Guy's kitchen

FJ Guy: Dehydrated food makes up the majority of what I eat when backpacking. Things that all I need to do is boil water. Instant soup, instant coffee, instant oatmeal, peanut butter packets, protein bars, etc. I have two different approaches to boil water. I’ll either use my stainless canteen cup with the Esbit stove or I have the modified Fancy Feast can stove with methanol and a ti pot. If I decide to catch and keep fish to eat, I can build a fire and cook the fish over it (fish on a stick). Water purification is done with Aqua Mira drops, a Sawyer Mini or a Steripen.

Graham Moran: My current stove is a Jetboil Flash stove with dehydrated food as my go to food. Because I am using the Jetboil I do not have to carry extra kitchen supplies.

Jay Johnson: For solo adventures, I’ve moved to no cook foods. It all comes back to wanting to maximize my time spent on the move or with a fish on my line. Kind bars, pepperoni, jerky, cheese, almond butter, etc are all things I can eat on the move, without prep. For larger meals with minimal prep, ramen or dehydrated meals can be cold-soaked while you are hiking or fishing and be ready for you when you stop for lunch or get into camp. A warm meal is nice, but for me it isn’t a must.

If I am boiling water for dehydrated meals, coffee or tea I bring a canister stove. During fire restrictions, alcohol stoves are not allowed in Arizona. When necessary, I use an Evernew 900ml titanium pot with a Primus Ti Express stove for a combined weight of 6.5oz including a stuff sack to fit it all. It’s hard to beat the ease of use with a canister stove.

JJ Hiker: Dinners are freezer bag style of cooking, dehydrated food that I prepare at home, Trail Designs Caldera stove in wood mode or Esbit cubes

Adam Trahan: Snowpeak Giga canister stove with 900 titanium pot and a double wall cup makes up my core cooking for rehydration, ramen, coffee, whatever. I have two choices for cooking with wood, a Purcell's trench grill and a Picogrill for a fish dinner and fire comfort. I don't like solo backpacking but it's what I end up doing most of the time and there is comfort in preparing a fire and cooking on it. In the past I used a Silkyboy saw and cut up a cord of wood and would make these six foot bonfires and sit in my chair and just stare into the coals, dreaming, preparing shioyaki or a dry iced hamburger that I had packed away with the little tub of ice cream. But I'm learning to make small fires, my fires are getting much smaller.

John Yokley: I currently use a canister MSR Pocket Rocket. If I’m cooking for two, I’ll bring angel hair pasta with McCormick’s Powdered Pesto and Olive Oil. If it’s just me, I’ll just bring lipton cup of soup with cheese grits. Other items include Clif bars, GORP and an apple (nature’s toothbrush)

Laura Sherman: Stove: I can’t beat the Jet Boil MiniMo and I’ve tried hard. The MSR PocketRocket, Reactor and Dragonfly weren’t great for various reasons, and, other solid fuel stoves usually left me eating cold food because I’m too impatient to wait. I’ve never tried alcohol-fuel though, but I’ll bet it’s difficult to find in remote Alaska. The propane canisters are really accessible here.

Food I carry about 1800 calories a day, but always have extra coming home:

Breakfast: I have a cup of oatmeal/granola mix with berries (blueberries, salmonberries, etc) from wherever I set up camp, or I carry a little dehydrated fruit to add. 150 cal

Snack: I carry a bar (Clif, Kind, Pro, etc) for everyday I’m out. I do not like them. 250 cal

Lunch: Jerky or meat sticks. Smoked salmon bellies if it’s a cold hike – the oil in a salmon is a GREAT internal heat generator. 200 cal

Snack: A really small packet of peanut, almond and cashew butter or gorp. 200 cal

Dinner: I buy big Mountain House cans and divvy up the servings, add more dehydrated mushrooms and veggies and sometimes lentils, angel hair pasta or couscous. 1000 cal

Regarding Tenkara, what is your philosophy on your chosen style while backpacking?

Chance Sheridan: My hikes are usually planned with fishing new water as the motive. I have a simple daypack, Poler stuffable, that I can load with everything I'll need once I establish a base camp. Platypus water bag, snacks, rod, rain jacket, first aid kit, and a Sawyer straw water filter in case I drink what I brought.

FJ Guy: Light and fast. I don't want to make a big deal of it. Two spools of level line, flies, tippet, nips and forceps

Graham Moran: The less I need tenkara wise the easier and more enjoyable.

Jay Johnson: How I approach Tenkara while backpacking depends on if it’s a backpacking trip with a potential opportunity for fishing or if it’s a fishing trip that requires backpacking. When fishing is secondary, a single rod and minimal kit is all I will carry, focusing on going lightweight. When the primary purpose of the trip is Tenkara, I will bring a couple rods and a kit that supports a wider range of situations and will enhance my fishing. Two rods are important for a couple reasons. First, if I’m 15 miles from the trailhead and my vehicle, I don’t want a broken rod to ruin my trip. Second, two rods will give you flexibility for different situations. If you are exploring a new stream and are unsure of the canopy conditions, you can bring a shorter rod as well as a longer one. Another strategy I like to use is to bring a rod that is primarily for unweighted flies, with another that excels at nymphing. This will allow me to fish all parts of the water column with maximum efficiency as needed.

Sometimes my Tenkara might border on hybrid methods of fishing, so whether you call it Tenkara, American Tenkara, Hybrid Tenkara or whatever, I always focus on the advantages of a long rod with light line held off the water. 

JJ Hiker: I mostly fish small creeks targeting wild trout, I keep my Tenkara gear as simple and light as I can.

Adam Trahan: The more you know, the less you need. It works with everything.

John Yokley: Basically, if the goal of the backpacking trip is miles, then I’ll carry a pocket rod. If the goal is a trip to a fishing spot, then I’ll bring the TUSA Sato or Tanuki Killer Bee and the Nissin pocket rod as a backup rod.

Laura Sherman: Right now I’m still discovering my tenkara style, but I have always found a way to include tenkara in every hike. I have a Badger, Tenkara USA, TFO/Patagonia, Wetfly, and a Tenkara Rod Co that are all super for their own reasons. The jury is still out on my favorite, but, for now, I protect my (unnamed) rod with one small cheese-cloth-like game bag in an old expandable travel tube (2 oz) that has a strap. It’s the kind of tube people roll up blueprints and travel with them in, and that is perfect in diameter for my flies and my extra line that I have in stackable round craft-store bead containers.

Please detail your equipment choices for backpack tenkara.

Chance Sheridan: I carry a flip down style lanyard around my neck that has ample room for flies, hemostats and license. With everything I need for the day this bag weighs less than 5 pounds. Although I have been fishing more lakes as of late I prefer to fish creeks and rivers. I love my Iwana from Tenkara USA! While most of the fish will average 12 inches, I have landed trout above 20 with the 11 footer.

FJ Guy: That would be a TUSA Iwana, Daiwa Sagiri or the Suntech GM 39. It would just depend on where I would be fishing. Those three rods could handle every trout I would catch because I prefer the small creeks over large rivers. Those rods were tested in Montana last year and there was no question they could handle the fish I was catching .

Graham Moran: My TUSA Sato, A line keeper spooled with a TUSA tapered nylon line and a 3.5 level line, one spool of 5x Tippet.

Jay Johnson: I currently own 5 rods in various lengths and flex profiles. This allows me to fish unweighted or weighted flies on both, tight and open streams. For my kit: I usually have a net, one or two fly boxes, nippers, light hemostats, floatant, a spare spool of #3 orange Level Line and a spool of 1x indicator tippet to make new lines if needed. When I plan on doing a lot of wading, I’ll wear 5.10 Water Tennies, Tiemco Foxfire Wading Socks, and sometimes Tiemco Foxfire Gaiters. If I am fishing alpine meadows or other streams where I’ll be staying out of the water, I will stick with trail running shoes without the wet wading gear.

JJ Hiker: Rod, line, tippet, nippers, forceps, small box of flies.

Adam Trahan: If it is a local tenkara/backpacking trip I will take my Ito, Sato or Rhodo, I know where I'm going so I know what rod I need. If it is a backpacking trip with maybe some fishing, I will take the Nissin Mini as a primary rod. I also take my Tenkara USA strap pack no matter. I'm a tenkara minimalist so my fishing equipment is minimal and not invasive to my pack/list.

John Yokley: I’ve historically carried a Tenkara USA Sato when backpacking with minimal accoutrements (hemostats, nippers, goop) in a “hacked” necklace and Zimmerbuilt small pack. I carry one box of Tenkara flies. I recently purchased a Nissin Mini Pocket Rod which will enter the rotation going forward. I will not carry a net when backpacking, just when I’m only fishing.

Laura Sherman: Rod, 3 extra lines, tippet, about 12-16 flies and my Leatherman is 5 oz and has needle nose pliers and snips.

Is there a common theme that runs through your backpacking and tenkara?

Chance Sheridan: For me fishing and hiking is a way to sort of "zone out" for a while. Even though I'm studying currents and looking for heads, I can totally lose myself in that moment. I am forever grateful for the outdoor opportunities Wyoming has granted me. I hope these public lands are available for future generations to enjoy!

FJ Guy's house

FJ Guy: With regards to Tenkara, I like the minimalism of it therefore it's easy to keep to the minimum when fishing. Of course one could exert much energry trying to match everything to a given fishing situation, rod, line, flies, tippet, just like in western fly fishing. I found out last year that I could just as easily catch Rio Grande Cuts using a 4.0 level line in relatively shallow high meadow creeks, under cloudless sky, as I could catch browns in a deeper, faster freestone water. The fly choices were a little different but not much. Streamlining my pack weight is more of me getting older and less tolerant of carrying a great deal of weight. Why do that if I don't have to?

Graham Moran: I enjoy tenkara and backpacking allows me to experience different areas. I will say the weight savings of tenkara gear has made me a bit more aware of of my overall pack weight.

Jay Johnson: A common theme in my backpacking and Tenkara is attaining balance and efficiency for my enjoyment. I know I could go lighter with certain gear, but I choose what I use for a reason. My tent is on the “heavy” side at 20oz, but it is extremely easy to set up, has a lot of space and is open enough for good views. If I wanted to go lighter, I could do a bivy and small tarp, but I appreciate what the extra weight in my shelter brings me.

For Tenkara, I bring the least amount that I think is needed to maximize my fishing capabilities. I could bring just a rod, line and a small box of kebari, but I prefer to bring some dries/mini-hoppers and some heavier nymphs so I can fish all parts of the water column depending on what I feel is fun for that day. I try to avoid things that over complicate my Tenkara, as well as things that would be considered solutions in search of problems.

JJ Hiker: Common theme- less is more. I am a minimalist by nature, I carry this through my backpacking gear and Tenkara gear I only carry what I need for Tenkara when backpacking.
John Yokley: Now that I think back over the past 3 years, Tenkara’s minimalist approach is now driving my backpacking choices. As we speak, I’m going through my old backpacking gear to donate as I no longer need nor want the “clutter” associated with te gear. It’s a bittersweet process as I have good memories with this gear (I’m a Sentamentalist). But making the decision to “release” this gear is a liberating process….te more you know, the less you need.

Adam Trahan: Yes, absolutely. Again, the more you know, the less you need. It is becoming a mantra for life, it's gotten into everything that I do.

Laura Sherman: I am an opportunist. I make multiple uses of many things to benefit kinetic, time and monetary economics. If my gear can be multipurpose (wading staff, knives, game/rod bag), I am excited to implement it. My tenkara is energetic that way, and I feel like I am well synced with my gear and my adventures.

Do you allow yourself any comfort items? Things you don’t need but want to have?

Chance Sheridan: If I don't need it, it's not going in my bag.

FJ Guy: I'll bring the Ipod and headphones, sometimes something to read or I'll download a movie or tv show to watch on my smartphone

Graham Moran: My Helinox Chair one and my Black Diamond Mojo lantern. A Pipe and tobacco are things I don’t need but enjoy having.

Jay Johnson: I don’t think I have one specific comfort item, rather choices in gear that allow for comfort with a weight penalty. I could use a torso length, 1/8th inch close cell foam sleeping pad, which would cover what I truly need, however, I choose a full size inflatable sleeping pad for added comfort. I pick and choose additions of comfort throughout my gear, without bordering on luxury or glamping.

JJ Hiker: Yes, a comfortable sleeping pad, MP3, camera

Adam Trahan: Yes. I like a eggs and bacon breakfast deep in the woods. That takes some doing so everything that goes along with that, a small one egg frying pan, a six pack plastic egg holder and a little lightweight spatula. I have a tiny little chair that I sometimes take with me. I have some Snowpeak things that I like to carry. The Japanese have huge influence on my backpacking. My choices are light and minimal so I can carry an extravagance if I want. A sit pad has worked it's way into my pack which I carry all the time now. My little blow up pillow, that has become necessary now. But if you were to look at my packing list? It's really minimal, I don't take a bunch of stuff anymore, I usually choose one or two things and go with that. I sometimes upload a movie on my phone which I no longer see as a "extra" as it has a camera, a word processor, maps, it's not necessary to take but it's definitely a part of my kit.

John Yokley: Thermarest, hammock, camp shoes (light flip flops)

Laura Sherman catch

Laura Sherman: A camera (is that comfort?)-which is my phone, which had a lot of audio books on it that I listen too at night, an extremely light solar booster, and a bit of candy. I’ll take a few Halloween-sized candies…my “dessert” before I sleep. Those calories or ounces don’t count. I heard that somewhere.

What is the highest elevation that you have spent the night on a hike?

Chance Sheridan: A friend, who is also a Tenkara angler, and I stayed one weekend around 10, 300 feet near the route to summit Cloud Peak (13,000+ feet). That weekend happened to coincide with the super moon, and absolutely lit that valley up. I swear you could have read a book at midnight with no artificial light!

FJ Guy: Around 10,000 ft.

Graham Moran: 11,000 feet

Jay Johnson: I have camped at just over 9,000ft elevation in the White Mountains of Eastern, AZ.

JJ Hiker: 10,000' +

Adam Trahan: 10,000' or so,

John Yokley: Just 6165 ft (Grassy Ridge Bald) that I can recall….

Laura Sherman: 5,000'

What is the longest trail you have hiked under your own support.

Chance Sheridan: Cloud Peak Wilderness has logged the most backcountry miles for me. Growing up we spent a lot of time in the Big Horn Mountains, since its only about 50 miles east. I know it makes my wife sleep better when I head that way as opposed to going west into grizzly country, we live about 90 miles east of Yellowstone's East Entrance. The longest I've spent backpacking is 6 consecutive days accumulating about 40 miles. Many miles of trails are available, a lot of them can be turned into loops.

FJ Guy's pack

FJ Guy: Never done any thru hiking but out and back in a day "hikes" was 16 miles.

Graham Moran: Colorado Trail

Jay Johnson: Currently, my longest trail has only been a 20mile hike through the Superstition Mountains. My interest in longer distance hiking has been growing recently, so I am excited to push further on in the future. My next long hike will be the Highline Trail (52 miles) and after that I will start to focus on sections of the Arizona Trail.

JJ Hiker: Appalachian Trail

Adam Trahan: An average day hike is like 3-4 miles out for fishing, if I am backpacking, I might go a little farther and set up camp. I've done many 20 mile hikes in the Army, lived in a tent for a week so many times I can't count, many two to three weeks in small and large tents, lived on the trail and out in the wild so much in the infantry, it's what you do. Longest I've camped is 10 days, longest backpack as a civilian is a couple of nights deep in the forest.

John Yokley: 10.3mils, but in the Uhwarries (not exactly “rugged” relative to out west)

Laura Sherman: Alaska, Denali Highway, 99 miles. The road is technically 130 miles, but it is unpaved for 99 miles and it is stacked with unnamed small creeks and lakes with naturally thriving fish in really surprising spots.

What are your favorite resources for ultralight backpacking and tenkara?

Chance Sheridan: Recently we completed a home for an ex Fish and Game, and he was nice enough to show me the state's database. It was very informative and gave me a better understanding of my local waters.

FJ Guy: TUSA website, Teton Tenkara, Tenkarabum, Tenkara Fisher, 10 colors of Tenkara

For backpacking there's Trailspace, Section Hiker, Backpacking Light and Whiteblaze and Backpacker Magazine.

Graham Moran: Wilderness Exchange Unlimited in Denver and Tenkara USA

Jay Johnson: If I could only pick one source for ultralight backpacking, it would be The site and forum might not be as active as it once was, but there is a wealth of information on there. People over there obsess over every aspect and gram of gear. When you read about an item or idea, it’s been put to the test through hundreds, if not thousands of miles on the trail.

Youtube also offers a great source of information from hikers who travel light and fast, often doing multiple thru-hikes and setting records. One of my favorite channels is from a guy named, John Zahorian. He’s the first person that really caught my attention talking about hiking 40-50 mile days. I really identify with his concept of constant, consistent hiking without breaks compared to pushing hard and taking multiple breaks throughout the day.

For Tenkara, I am currently all about Discover Tenkara. Those guys have a great rapport with the Japanese Tenkara community and are putting in the time, money and effort to spread quality information outside of Japan. I think everyone should read their Discovering Kebari E-book (no, I don’t get paid to say that).

I do think that anyone just starting out in Tenkara should spend a lot of time soaking up information from Tenkara USA. Who knows if any of us would be talking about Tenkara without the risk that Daniel took in order to successfully spread Tenkara outside of Japan.

On a side note, it is sad that Tenkara-Fisher no longer exists in its forum format, but I understand why it is no longer up and I am extremely glad that the Tenkara-Fisher blog is still keeping a lot of that information alive and continuing to add more value for the Tenkara community. My all time favorite thing to read is the Genryu series of stories from Keiichi-san. His pictures and writing inspire me to go further into the mountains.

JJ Hiker

JJ Hiker: Personal experience and online Tenkara groups

Adam Trahan: Personal experiences first, then compare and contrast to focused groups such as this. I like the Internet where I can study. Tenkara USA, social media where I can study along with other people's choices, Ray Jardin, Jason Klass, gathering data like you see here, I learn a lot from others. I value community.

John Yokley: Tenkara Angler, Tenkara Bum, Tenkara USA, Headwaters and Appalachina Tenkara group on Facebook

Laura Sherman: I make a lot up as I go. I watch YouTube, look at “hacks” on Pinterest, watch what smart people say in backpacking and fishing forums (I am not smart, but I know what smart people sound like), and mostly, I just try to stay safe, light, happy and keep a sense of humor about all of it.

Jay Johnson photography

Chance Sheridan

FJ Guy

Graham Moran

Jay Johnson

JJ Hiker

Adam Trahan

John Yokley

Laura Sherman


Adam Trahan's UL Backpacking and Tenkara Pack List

My "Ligherpack" Backpack Tenkara Minimalist List


Clothes List
  • Hat: Baseball Cap
  • Sunglasses: Julbo Dirt
  • Sun Cover: Buff or Sebata-san or Shimoda-san Tengui
  • Shirt: Columbia or REI button up with collar
  • Jacket: Patagonia Nano
  • Undershirt: Patagonia Capelene
  • Underpants: Patagonia Capelene
  • Pants: Prana Stretch Zion
  • Sox: Cabelas
  • Shoes: Cabelas GTX (lightweight boots)

Tenkara List

Accessories: Derf Needle driver, Anglers Image nipper, C&F Needle, Montbell whistle, Mini Bear Bell, Rod unstick pads

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